Table of Contents

No End to Exploitation: A Report On SIFCA Operation In Liberia

SIFCA operations have resulted in violations of both Liberian and international law. Alarmingly MOPP commenced operations, with the authorisation of the Government of Liberia, prior to the negotiation of a concession agreement. The contract allocation process for both concessions also failed to adhere to Liberian law. SIFCA which is part owned by Wilmar and SIFCA is also failing to adhere to Wilmar’s ‘No Deforestation, No Peat, No Exploitation’ policy. SIFCA, who has received financing from the African Development Bank Group, is also failing to adhere to the Bank’s policies. SIFCA’s operations have resulted in serious rights violations of Liberian communities. These include violating communities’ customary land rights, failing to obtain communities’ Free, Prior, Informed Consent and illegally clearing land without community consent. Communities have been forcibly resettled without due process or equitable compensation. Communities have suffered arbitrary arrest and intimidation and harassment by SIFCA and the Liberia National Police. Crop compensation has also not adhered to the Ministry of Agriculture Price Listing and social benefits have not been implemented. Communities are entering into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) for outgrower programs without technical or legal advice and these MOUs violate communities’ land rights. Environmental Social Impact Assessments undertaken are not participatory or robust and mitigations measures are not being implemented. Community members cite poor working conditions and labour malpractice including pay disparity, lack of social services, rendering workers homeless, and dismissal of pregnant employees. SIFCA has also been fined by the Ministry of Labour for illegally dismissing employees and employing illegal aliens.